Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Developing Work 1a

A type of relationship is usually described by the interaction or communication between two people. Relationships come in a variety of contexts, such as family, friends, work, or school. People in a relationship usually share their thoughts and feelings or tend to influence each other. Expectations of a relationship will also influence the communication. A parent child relationship will usually consist of love and unconditional acceptance therefore the communication between families is usually relaxed and casual.

My language at home is very much different from my language at school. My family knows me well and probably understands me more than anyone else. When I am at home I am most comfortable and I don’t have to watch what I can and cannot say. For example, I sometimes call my step dad grandpa just to joke with him and make him feel old, but he knows my personality well enough to understand that I am only kidding. Someone who does not know me and who is not actually a grandpa might take that offensively.

When I am around my friends I talk pretty much the same way that I do at home. I might say a few things that I wouldn’t want my parents to hear, but nothing ecstatic. Sometimes with my family I am a little more blunt and straight to the point then I am with my friends.

Were as, a teacher student relationship is more professional. At school I talk very different. When I am talking with an adult or a teacher I try to show more respect. When I first meet someone I want to make a good impression and if I talked the way I talk at home I might sound rude or disrespectful, unintentionally. Before I show my true self I want to get to know a person and learn what they expect from me. When I am writing a paper for school I try to sound professional and I try to write the way I believe the teacher expects me to write, which is usually using the proper Standard English I have always been taught.

I want people to respond to me in a positive manner, I want to feel confident and good about the way I communicate with people. I wouldn’t want to offend anybody by using my language from home when I am talking to someone that I hardly know, especially a teacher or a classmate. Unfortunately, I had a problem communicating with my roommate during first semester. Even though we were relatively the same age, going to the same school, and living in the same country, our cultural differences made if difficult to understand each other. When we would misunderstand one another we often would think the others motives were not reasonable, often rude or mean. I began to realize I couldn’t be so casual with her, even though we were friends I needed to be direct and clear when I was speaking with her. This made it very difficult for our friendship to build. The communication between us redefined our relationship, I lost the expectation of becoming good friends and I just wanted to work on having a clear understanding between one another.

The next time I am disappointed with someone’s response to something I have said I am going to ask myself if they misunderstood me or maybe misinterpreted me. Understanding the miscommunication may avoid hurt feelings or conflicts.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

IAR Analysis It Bees Dat Way Sometime

What is invention?

  • Research black American speech and white American speech
  • Research the history of black English and how it has changed of the centuries
  • Identify the American black language, and provide examples
  • Listen to black speakers and interview black English speakers
  • Te writer's had to learn how to speak and use black English in different situations

What is being invented?

  • Practices and uses of black English
  • Black English is a form of speech
  • Black English is similar to White English
  • All language changes over time
  • Mistakes that were made while trying to conform Africanized patterns to Americanized patterns
  • How to use black English correctly

What is being arranged?

  • Africanized language in relationship to black English
  • Black English in relationship to white English
  • History of black English to grammer
  • Grammer to how black English uses, the, with, be, be with do, been, done, and s’ in relationship to white English
  • Pronunciation and dialouges to creation of black English
  • Creation of black English to the poem

What is arrangement?

  • Explanations of black English and why it is important to understand
  • Examples, and Statements
  • Comparing and contrasting
  • General to specific
  • The author doesn't really cite anything because she mostly uses her own facts and findings

What is being revised?

  • Change people’s views on black English, it is just another way of speaking
  • Give people more knowledge of black English and help them understand how it works
  • Trying to provide more knowledge of Africanized and black English compared with white English
  • Helping people to understand that when using black English, just like white English, one small thing can change an entire sentence and the entire sentences meaning
  • Show people that black English is a language and does have boundaries

What is revision?

  • Examples of how the black English is used
  • Examples of black English compared with white English
  • Cites of scholars
  • Researches of black English statements compared with white English statements
  • Having examples of data from life situations and logged conversations