Sunday, February 22, 2009

DW2b E-Space

In the reading “E-Racing difference in E-space: Black female subjectivity and the Web-based portfolio” Knadler talks about how e-spaces free people to create new identities and speak out based on how others are interacting threw electronic interchange (Kandler 237). The author is trying to explain how important it is for people to be able to express themselves in their own ways. The Internet is an easy way for people to be themselves; people may not feel as though they need to be as proper or as polite when they are communicating with others their own age and with their same backgrounds.

Also, Knadler talks about how important online communication is because the user’s sense of self is freed from social and discursive constraints and it allows for the hidden or repressed self to come out (Knadler 239). He mentions that students may conform to some degree of white norms but at the same time these students may never feel completely free to just be themselves in white environments and online blogging and web pages can provide a place for blacks to express themselves with a style of speech that doesn’t have to self-consciously fit into white standards (Kandler 243).

This is related to the website that I found and the blog postings that I mentioned because people are free to say what they want and give their opinions about certain situations without any consequences. The postings that I found on were a perfect opportunity for people of the same backgrounds or even different backgrounds to share their experiences and their opinions about a certain situation. The website is not monitored by an adult or professor making it easy for people to show their full personalities and use the language of their choice. Online people don’t feel so restricted as to what they can and cannot say unlike how they would feel if they were in a classroom or speaking with an adult. Also, when being online people aren’t able to know exactly who is speaking which leaves out the complications of age, race, gender, or class. This makes it easier for people to speak their minds without the fear of being judged by their peers. The site that I have discussed and many other websites provides a place for blacks to feel comfortable and speak using their own language. The website that I discussed shows that electronic interchange is a place where students/teens are not afraid to say what they think and feel and argue their own opinions.

1 comment:

  1. Good start at summary and analysis. Now, can you find specific examples of language that demonstrates the ways that users seem less restricted? What is the significance of these examples?
